Tips on Self-Bondage

Tips on Self-Bondage

This sizable piece is by Jonathan Peters. Again, this is not my advice; follow these instructions at your own risk. It is likely that the majority of people have no desire ever to be physically restrained. Likely, but unproven – there appears to have been very...
Cheap and Creative Toys

Cheap and Creative Toys

This posting came from a couple of years ago (circa 1995). I thought it was worth keeping. Enjoy! (Not all of these are cheap, mind you 🙂 Creative Toy Sources! Compiled by Tanith Tyrr – share freely, please credit the author Music stores: Metal...
S&M Questions & Answers

S&M Questions & Answers

I started writing the FAQ simply because I wanted to answer some common questions. Plenty of other people on the net also like answering questions, and some of them have sent me good Q’s and A’s. Here’s a partial compilation of some answers by Hans...


CHARTER: soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm To provide a safe and open forum, where people of any gender or sexual orientation can engage in discussion, support, socialisation and general interchange concerning the various topics referred to collectively as...
Adults-Only Disclaimer

Adults-Only Disclaimer

It may be illegal, and it is certainly unwise, to publish “obscene, filthy, or indecent” Internet material without precautions to ensure minors or unwilling viewers can avoid it. I use the label above throughout all my pages, as just such a precaution. If...
Johnson G Personal Page

Johnson G Personal Page

This page contains sexual discussion. If you do not want to read sexually explicit material, please obtain software which allows you to block it out on your system. Also, please proceed to a site without such material. Welcome to my sexuality page! If you’re...
The FAQ List

The FAQ List

This page contains sexual discussion. If you do not want to read sexually explicit material, please obtain software which allows you to block it out on your system. This FAQ Has Evolved! The soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm FAQ list is the new incarnation of this FAQ. Go...
What’s New

What’s New

1999 21 April: Hey hey, two updates in one year?! Just you wait, there’s more comin’… Added the Czech translation (thanks Thomas!), and added the Taste of Latex con-noncon article, which I subsequently removed after getting righteously copyright...